Saqaliba – Slavs in the Arab World, Part 3 (Slavs in Muslim Spain,part 1)

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3 Responses

  1. Stefan Ilic says:

    Good articles, keep up the work. I am writing a thesis on muslim history in Spain, so I was wondering, do you use some sources and literature in these articles and can you recommend or send some of them to me?

    • niklot says:

      Here you go 🙂

      J.W. Bowker, The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, Oxford University Press, Oxford – New York, 1997.

      E.R. Dupuy & T.N. Dupuy, The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History; From 3500 B.C. to the Present, Harper Collins, 4th edition, New York, 1993.

      Encyklopedia Popularna PWN, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 16th edition, Warszawa, 1988.

      Atlas Historyczny Polski, edited by Wladyslaw Czaplinski & Tadeusz Ladogorski, Panstwowe Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnictw Kartograficznych im. Eugeniusza Romera, 7th edition, Wroclaw, 1987.

      Atlas Historyczny Swiata, chief editor: Jozef Wolski, Panstwowe Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnictw Kartograficznych im. Eugeniusza Romera, 2nd edition, Wroclaw, 1986.

      Relja Novakovic, Balticki Sloveni u Beogradu i Srbiji, Narodna Knjiga, Beograd, 1985.

      David Wasserstein, The Rise and Fall of the Party Kings; Politics and Society in Islamic Spain 1002-1086, Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ, 1985.

      The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages, 950-1250, Vol. 2, edited by Robert Fossier (translated by Stuart Airlie and Robyn Marsack), Cambridge University Press, 1st English edition, Cambridge, 1997 (c 1982).

      Ireneusz Grajewski & Jozef Wojcicki, Maly Leksykon Morski, Wydawnictwo MON, Warszawa, 1981.

      Dzieje Polski, edited by Jerzy Topolski, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, 1978.

      W. Montgomery Watt, The Majesty That Was Islam; The Islamic World 661-1100, Sidgwick & Jackson, 2nd edition, London, 1976 (c 1974).

      Jan Read, Moors in Spain and Portugal, Faber and Faber, London, 1974.

      Anwar G. Chejne, Muslim Spain, Its History and Culture, The University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1974.

      Jon Johannesson (translated by Haraldur Bessason), A History of the Old Icelandic Commonwealth; Islendinga Saga, University of Manitoba Press, 1974.

      Gabriel Jackson, The Making of Medieval Spain, Thames and Hudson, London, 1972.

      Taduesz Lewicki, Zrodla Arabskie do Dziejow Slowianszczyzny, Vol. 2 (Part 1), Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Wroclaw – Warszawa – Krakow, 1969.

      Jerzy Nalepa, Slowianszczyzna Polnocno-Zachodnia; Podstawy Jej Jednosci i Jej Rozpad, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznan, 1968.

      Stephan and Nandy Ronart, Concise Encyclopaedia of Arabic Civilization, Vol. 2 (The Arab West), Frederick A. Praeger Publishers Inc., New York, 1966.

      Boris A. Rybakov (translated by John Weir), Early Centuries of Russian History, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965.

      Henryk Lowmianski, Poczatki Polski; Z Dziejow Slowian w I Tysiacleciu n.e., Vols. 1-3, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, 1963-1967.

      G. Vernadski, Problems of Ossetic and Russian Epos, “American Slavic and East European Review”, Vol. 18, 1959.

      D. Dzanty & G. Verndaski, The Ossetian Tale of Iry Dada and Mstislav, “Journal of American Folklore”, Vol. 69, 1956.

      Tadeusz Lewicki, Zrodla Arabskie do Dziejow Slowianszczyzny, Vol. 1, Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Wroclaw – Krakow, 1956.

      Tadeusz Lewicki, Osadnictwo Slowianskie i Niewolnicy Slowianscy w Krajach Muzulmanskich, “Przeglad Historyczny”, XLIII, 1952.

      Kazimierz Wachowski, Slowianszczyzna Zachodnia, Instytut Zachodni, 2nd edition, Poznan, 1950 (c 1906).

      Thomas William Shore, Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race; a Study of the Settlement of England and the Tribal Origin of the Old English People, Edited (Posthumously) by his sons: T. W. Shore and L. E. Shore, Kennikat Press, 2nd edition, Port Washington NY, 1971 (c 1905).

      Stanley Lane-Poole (with collaboration of Arthur Gilman), Moors in Spain, Khayats, 2nd edition, Beirut, 1967 (c 1886).

      Web Pages
      “Forum Veneti I”, Carantha. Available on-line at

      “Forum Veneti II”, Carantha. Available on-line at

      C.I. Gable, “Dalmatian Pirates”, Virtual History of Venice, 1998-2000. Available on-line at

      C.I. Gable, “Venice Acquires [Parts of] Dalmatia”, Virtual History of Venice, 1998. Available on-line at

      “Slavs Among Norsemen in America and Iceland”, Polish Resistance Movement, 17 January of 2002. Available on-line at

      “The Aryans”, Iran, History, Land and People, 1999-2004. Available on line at

      “Pre-Avesta Era: 850 BC – 728 BC”, IPC, 16 August of 2001. Available on-line at

      Jesus de Castro, “Taifa de Valencia – Regulos Eslavos”, Jesus de Castro, 1998-2004. Available on-line at

      Geoffrey Malaterra, “The Deeds of Count Roger of Calabria and Sicily and of Duke Robert Guiscard, his Brother”, Leeds Medieval History Texts in Translation, ????-2003. Available on-line at and

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