Slaves in Slavic Society (Slave trading in the medieval times)

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2 Responses

  1. Peter says:

    I think that the word Slav came from word Slavic signifying the nation, which is pure teanslation of slavic word “Słowianie” and similiarity to the word Slave is just coincidential. Even if they sound alike, not should be taken as to be Services from each other.

  2. ANTWON MADDOX says:

    this article is inaccurate the SLAV ALBION was the slave of the Whole World until the late 1600s. At that moment they began the propaganda of today’s age. They use to fabricate imitate and corrupt the context of any and almost every fact. English is a bastardized slave language. Moors were looking albions in cages like chicken coops. It hurts as a fact but with all due respect .

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