What Affects Human Height? Why are Southern Slavs and Scandinavians So Tall?

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18 Responses

  1. Al Gabatz says:

    I’m Swedish, haplogroup J and 188cm.
    So I’m wondering how the J’s are doing, heightwise?

    • Teoslav says:

      J is Arabian and Mesopotamian lol

    • Michael92 says:

      They are teasing you xD it’s what my kinsmen do sry about that

      J2 is actually the tallest of Arabian origin haplogroups, this was noted by Saladin and his heirs.
      They stated that Turkic people they are importing as slave soldiers are much taller combat capable and cunning then their own kind. Suggesting that average HG J2 is about 176cm today (my estimate).
      Even tho you are J2 you probably have 90% or more genetics from humanoids that are not J haplogroup if you are native Swede.

      For instance Brothers that invented planes they are E1b1 but came from place where E1b1 is 4% so that means they have ~96% of genetics that come from other then E1b1 due to mixing over 7000 years period. It just means that their ancestor was E1b1 and then he mixed with people who are not E1b1.

      Your height is very very good 😀 congratz man

  2. toki says:

    Al Gabatz you’re a brown middle-eastener

  3. Dan Allen says:

    There was starvation in parts of Europe from 1940-1952, so anyone whose bodies were supposed to grow in that generation, and didn’t, and who is currently in their 60s through 80s, would present a problem for this study. For instance, hundreds of thousands died of starvation in Greece during the wars of the 1940s. Many of the children whose growth was stunted were severely malnourished. And given the top heavy demographics of some of these countries (many senior citizens relative to younger people), you can see the problems in measuring height.

  4. António says:

    So the Portuguese changed theirs haplogroup? Portuguese used to be a lot smaller say 165 Cms… And in Lisbon the average is above 176 Cms… My height, most youth are taller a than me… maybe above 180…

  5. Thomas says:

    Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂 bgxhl

  6. Elm says:

    I’m from Montenegro and I’m one of the shortest people in my class

  7. youarenothing says:

    I know the height of young Serbian and Montenegrin are super tall. 200 cm is common height.

  8. Milenko says:

    Am serb with haplogroup E witch is buy the way second largest haplogroup in serbia among ortodox serbs ..it’s closer to 20% and i am 190cm

  9. Srdjan Zadović says:

    I’m Serbian and 177cm, all my friends call me shorty

  10. Martin says:

    I am bulgarian 14 year old and i am 177cm maybe because i have a big portion serbian and macedonian dna.I would say that most of my class is around 174 cm but i feel very short almost all of the time.In 9th grade kids are around 180 cm.I am shorter than almost all young people but taller than every old person.Are kids in Serbia and Montenegro also that tall.


    Polish people are tall and I don’t see them here in this statistics.?????????

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